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TinyMCE4 MindMap Editor

TinyMCE4 has no mind map plugin default.

This plugin is a mind map plugin for TinyMCE4 called TinyMCE4 MindMap Editor”, you can use it in TinyMCE4 to insert/edit mind map easily, just like the XMind!.

Features Mind Map structure in Wordpress MindMap Editor contains a root in the center, with main branches radiating from it.

Support for links, images, and markdown notes.

Multiple beautiful themes.

Easy to use.

Pure front-end, no server support.

Save as image.

How to install it Upload the files to the tinymce plugins’ folder.

Update your tinymce configuration to add `leaui_mindmap` plugin, eg: tinymce.init({ selector: "textarea", plugins: [ "leaui_mindmap", "advlist autolink link lists charmap hr anchor pagebreak", "directionality textcolor paste fullpage textcolor" ], paste_data_images: true, toolbar1: "leaui_mindmap | styleselect formatselect fontselect fontsizeselect | bold italic underline strikethrough " }); Please Note that, you must set paste_data_images to true.


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Product Information
  • Last Updated
    19 Aug 2024
  • Published
    14 Dec 2023

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