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Extrax - Google Data Extractor

Scrape information about business listings from Google Maps into Excel easily containing business name, complete address, email address (new), phone number, ratings, reviews, location, website and more.

Probably the only tool in marketing that supports automatic web driver updates for multiple browsers (Chrome, Edge & Firefox), English and Chinese language support etc.

See product video at

Features Business name Business category Email address Phone number Street address Latitude & longitude Website URL Rating & reviews Closed status Sales For pre-sales enquiries, please use the comments section or send WhatsApp on +91-9315126962.

Support For technical support (only after sales), please send an email to [email protected].

Usage Immediately after your purchase, please claim your purchase code from this link.

For instructions on how to use the software, please refer to the video linked above or go to support portal.

Source code Please note carefully, source code is not included with any of the license variants.

If you need white-labelled or custom branded versions of our tools with cloud based license management system, please contact us for reseller pricing.

Quality product by SiteOps.


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Worth $100.000s, Yours for Just
$29 /month
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Product Information
  • Last Updated
    15 Sep 2024
  • Published
    21 Jul 2024

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